Thursday, September 27, 2012

Saying Good-Bye

Are you considering yet again that you need to get rid of more stuff? Maybe you have gotten rid of a lot of things. You think that you have reached your limit for letting go. And yet, the house is still too cluttered. There is still too much lying around. So you start again facing the hard job of saying good-bye to things that have woven their roots into your heart. It hurts to pull them out. But it must be done. The quality of your everyday life is more important than this accumulation. As you face the task, keep the following thoughts in mind.

What you are about to do is an honorable and good thing. This is the right time to say good-bye to some of the things that have been an important part of your life for a long time.

You are a sensitive person. You view things in a way that other people do not. Belongings are more important to you than to other people. Now use that same sensitivity and understanding to confirm to yourself the overriding importance of living a clutter-free and stress-free life. Keeping that priority in mind will make it easier to say those final good-byes.


Founder, Messies Anonymous