Monday, October 22, 2012

You Are Allowed to Miss the Corners

As I write this I am sitting in a hospital lobby. Don't worry nobody is sick; I am just waiting for the restaurant to open for breakfast.

To my right a woman is cleaning the glass doors, spraying glass cleaner and wiping them clean. She is conscientiously looking for spots on both sides going back and forth to check where she might have missed some oily fingerprint. Sitting where I am sitting I can see what she can't...which, if you look carefully have been generally neglected.

Does it matter? I don't think so. The over all picture in this hospital lobby is one of beauty and cleanliness. When you walk in the doors you are impressed with the gleam and shine of the Italian tile floor. The place in every area says, "This is one clean hospital!"

But what about the foggy corner of the glass doors. Nobody but a woman waiting for breakfast and doing a critical survey would notice.

The point I am making is this. Pay attention to the overall impression. Later maybe, you can get to the details but it is the overall impression that is important.


Founder, Messies Anonymous

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


In a past seminar where were laying out our plans for each day of household maintenance by filling in the Flipper planning chart, a sweet lady said, "But suppose I don't have the urge to clean on that day?"

What we do is wait for a whim. Some day we wake up and there is that "right" combination of energy, time, and opportunity to clean. So we say, "Today is the day," and begin to plan because we realize we have "THE URGE."  It has come! 

Needless to say, this is not the way the house can be maintained the way we want it. Who knows how often the urge or whim might hit. And what else do we wait on a whim for -- going to work? going to school? fixing the meals? Hopefully not!

The point is proper household maintenance can only be done when we have a plan that is easily within our capability and we do it faithfully. We don't wait for urges. And the freedom from having to wait for an urge makes a person so happy. It is encouraging to think that I can keep things under control even if I don't get the urge! It's a wonderful idea. Try it.


Founder, Messies Anonymous

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